Hair Transplant

Body Hair Transplant in Turkey

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What is Body Hair Transplant?

Body Hair Transplant is a procedure designed mostly for transplanting hair from the chest and abdomen, but if it is desired, it is possible to transplant pubic hair, and armpit to both thicken the existing hair and ensure that hair grows where there is no hair. Hair loss can be caused by genetics, pre-electrolysis, laser hair removal, or even surgical scars, burns or other types of accidents.

Characteristics of Body Hair

There are hairs in various structures and tissues in various parts of our body. These are very different from the hair on the head in shape and length, especially in the number of roots. Except for the head hair, the hair has a different curl depending on where they are located. The hair that is structurally closest to the hair on the head is in the beard, although they usually have a single root structure, they can grow very fast and as the hair on the head. For this reason, the first choice in body hair transplantation is the transplantation of hair taken from the beard. Successful results can be obtained with correct planning from beard hair transplantation. Hair in other areas is usually finer; they grow slowly and do not grow as much as a hair on the head or beard.

Body Hair as Donor Hair

If the transplanted area is large and therefore requires more grafts than can be obtained from the nape, your doctor may share the situation with you and choose one of the following areas for graft collection:

Beard section:

There is one hair in each of the grafts taken from the beard section (unlike the nape region). It is possible to say that the hair follicles taken from here have a life span of approximately five years. Although the elongation performance of the roots taken is lower than the roots of the nape, they are stronger than the roots taken from the chest area.

Chest part:

The hair on the chest part is also frequently preferred within Body Hair Transplant (BHT) procedures due to their structure and ease of collection they offer. When collected from the nape root, there are 2 or 3 hairs in a single graft, while this number is only one for grafts taken from the chest area. In addition, the elongation performance of the grafts taken from this region may be less than the others.

Back, legs or other areas:

These are also preferred for graft collection. If the hair follicles to be taken from such areas aim to complete the missing graft number, they are usually transplanted to the back areas of the hair. After the beard area, the most preferred option for additional grafting is the back, legs, and other areas with dark hair growth.

In short, hair transplantation can be performed if there is not enough graft in the nape or if no graft can be collected from here. Of course, in such a case, there will be some changes in the treatment process and cost.

Who is Suitable for Body Hair Transplantation?

Surgeons consider some criteria when deciding to transplant body hair:

  • Considering that sufficient density can be obtained with hair taken from other parts of the body. Hair transplantation can be performed with the Body Hair Transplant method in people who have insufficient donor area in the back of the head as the supply area in hair transplantation.
  • The person's suitability for body hair and hair transplantation is determined by examining the areas where the grafts will be taken by the doctor. If the hair density in these areas is good and the texture is close to the hair texture or of good quality, the surgeon may approve body hair transplantation for these people.

Body hair transplantation is not done if these two conditions are not met at the same time.

When Will Hair Grow Happen After Body Hair Transplantation?

Hair, transplanted with body hair transplantation begins to grow in the first three weeks. Shock shedding starts 3-4 weeks after the hair transplant operation and the transplanted hair is lost about 90%. After the procedure, new hair starts to grow again in the 6th month. At the end of the first year, 70-80% of the result is seen. It may take 1.5-2 years for the full effect to manifest itself.


Body Hair Transplant Process



2-3 Hours

Duration of treatment

3 Days

Stay in Istanbul

5 Day

Socially acceptable

Body Hair Transplant in Turkey FAQ

In cases of severe baldness, improving the aesthetics of hairlines, and scarring alopecia when there is a lack of donor scalp hair, body hair transplantation can be utilized successfully either alone or in conjunction with scalp hair.

The use of leg hairs offers a feasible alternative to other hair transplant surgical approaches for patients who have undergone FUS-FUT (follicular unit strip surgery-follicular unit transplantation) for their hairline.

In general, hair restoration products from the shop don't perform as well as hair transplants. But there are certain things to consider, like the fact that between 10 and 80% of transplanted hair will fully regrow in three to four months.

Hair from the pubic area, underarms, chest, and abdomen is not ideal for hair transplantation. However, it can be applied when required.

The terminal hair that grows on the human body during and after puberty is known as body hair, or androgenic hair. It can be distinguished from vellus hair, which is less noticeable and much finer and lighter in color.

Because of the recipient influence, or the effect of the scalp dermis on the transplanted hair, it has been demonstrated that body hair grows longer when transplanted to the scalp.

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